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I•Campus Introduction
Wuxi International Life-Science Innovation Campus (I•Campus) is an open platform to incubate global innovation, co-built by Wuxi Municipal Government, Wuxi New District Government and AstraZeneca. With the vision of “Empowering Healthy China with Global Wisdom”, I•Campus aims to develop a patient-centered, open and collaborative ecosystem that covers the full life cycle of life science innovation, by clustering 4D industrial elements (Drug, Device, Diagnostic, and Digital) and collaborating with partners, including domestic and international governments, industry, research, academia, hospitals and investment.
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I•Campus at the China International Import Expo (CIIE)
On November 6, 2019, I•Campus booth showed up at the CIIE for the first time, introducing the concepts, practices and achievements of our life science innovation incubation. At the ceremony, two companies signed MoU of landing as the 2nd batch and two of the 1st batch companies developed strategic collaboration on commercialization with AstraZeneca China
I•Campus official launch and grand opening ceremony
On September 7, 2019, I•Campus officially launched after 6-month preparation. Our ecosystem partners get together to witness and celebrate the initiation of this global life science innovation incubation platform. And 10 companies and 5 strategic partners signed MoU with I•Campus at the ceremony as the 1st batch.
Wuxi Government and AstraZeneca officially announced co-building I•Campus
At the Boao Forum for Asia on March 27, 2019, Wuxi Municipal Government, Wuxi New District Government and AstraZeneca signed an MoU on the Strategic Cooperation of co-building Wuxi International Life Science Innovation Campus, with the vision of empowering healthy China with global wisdom.
I•Campus Events
Learn more about how I•Campus helps you engage with global life science innovation communities and get connected with resources through our events
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I•Campus companies are from all over the world, who focus on future trends in the life science industry, and carry out various explorations in cutting-edge sciences
Contact us
2F, 530 Buiding. A
18 Qingyuan Road Wuxi, Jiangsu, P.R.China 214122
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