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Mentor program
AstraZeneca’s senior management team will provide one-on-one mentorship to landing companies, and collaborate with the external innovation experts to share their experience, so as to accelerate the business growth and success of landing companies
Business development and investment
access to the investment assessments from the Global Healthcare Industrial Fund ($ 1 billion) set up by AstraZeneca and China International Capital Corporation, as well as from I•Campus VC partners
Commercial collaboration with AstraZeneca
market insights, product proof of concept and commercial partners platform and commercial innovation ecosystem, including AstraZeneca’s commercial team and Healthcare IoT Center
subsidies and incentives covering R&D investment, equipment investment, talent attraction, intellectual property, industrialization of products, listing of company, etc
Infrastructure and platform services
8 major platforms, including new drug development, clinical trial, drug clinical testing, medical device testing, drug certificate service, administrative service, technological and financial service, and professional third-party service platforms
Industrial cluster
Industrial linkage of life science, Internet of things and 5G in Wuxi
The 300,000 sq.m. core R&D area serves as an open space for research and development, office and innovation incubation. The 85,000 sq.m. acceleration area provides space for GMP factories and manufacturing sites. All suitable places in Wuxi and Wuxi New District can serve as the industrialization area
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