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Wuxi International Life Science Innovation Campus (I·Campus)

ICampus is an innovation incubation platform co-built between Wuxi Municipal Government, Wuxi New District Government and AstraZeneca. With the vision of Empowering Healthy China with Global Wisdom, I•Campus collaborated with partners across governments, industry, research, academia, hospitals and investment both internationally and domestically, to build an open, collaborative and patient-centric ecosystem that covers the full life cycle of life science innovation. It clusters 4D industrial elements (Drug, Device, Diagnostic, Digital) and providing one stop enabling services to companies on landing, operation, clinical study, product approval, business development, commercialization and funding. Since the official launch in September 2019, I•Campus already has 17 global landing companies, as well as 5 strategic partners and 6 VC partners. 

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